Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Forecast: Showers!

One down, two to go. We realized last night that it is entirely possible that Jenny could have this baby before her final two showers. Wouldn't that be something? It could be, like, Mary Kate's "zero" birthday party........anyway, as my Greek professor in college used to say, it's possible, but not probable. At any rate, the shower was a great time for Jenny and everyone else. Many thanks to the Klempner's for throwing such a great party! Jenny and I also had a fun weekend with two of Jenny's friends from college, Leslie & Brianna (including Aggie & Brianna's son Caden; Leslie's son Caleb didn't make the picture):

I'm glad that Jenny had such a great time with Leslie and Brianna, who are both moms with little babies and could pass along tons of wisdom to her. Saturday night carried a strange vibe through the Bojo house...three women in deep conversation, two baby boys laying around and doing their thing, and Texas/Ohio State on the flat screen. You like diversity? Look no further.

Saturday will be round two of shower season, this time in Rome at my Aunt Janice's house. We also have another doctor appointment on Friday with Dr. Lance "the man" Wiist...Jenny goes once a week now until the baby comes, which means we could show up, Wiist could check her out, and we could get the "So, do you want to have the baby today" talk. Okay, so not very probable, but for some reason I constantly feel like I'm in the tunnel before a championship football game, ready to run out onto the field and do battle. I translate my adrenaline into many miles of running (still getting ready for that Atlanta Half Marathon). We are very excited...and covet everybody's prayers...one final picture with Jenny & Brianna, this time Aggie smiles for the camera (yep, that's a smile):


Jennifer said...

My friends planned a shower for me in Fairbanks when I was pregnant with Haley. Haley came almost 3 weeks early so she got to go to the shower with me! At the time I was so tired I didn't even want the presents, but now it's kind of funny!

Jon Mitchell said...

What about a cigar shower for you?