Friday, October 03, 2008

Down on the Farm

Last Saturday we took the girls to Petite Creek Farm in Cartersville for some pumpkin picking and animal petting. Mary Kate had a blast and Claire thought it was pretty fun too!

Catchin' Up

We celebrated Brian and Mary Kate's birthdays during the month of September. We celebrated mine too, but we won't go there. Brian told me that on his special day he just wanted to spend time with his girls and watch football.

All Mary Kate could talk about for a whole year was how she wanted a Nemo cake for her birthday. The week before her party she changed her mind and wanted a mermaid cake. My mom helped me make it.

Brian's sister, Jennifer, decided to make Mary Kate a dress for her birthday. She asked me to come over to help her make some dresses, and well, let's just say that I don't think she realized how "challenged" I am in the sewing department. But I can iron like a champ! The dress turned out so cute! I think she could sell them.

And of course, we need to show off Claire-Bear who is quickly approaching 7 months.