Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Barbie Jeep

Woohoo! A very, very nice person gave us a barbie jeep for MK. She wasn't real sure about it at first, but she likes it much better now. She isn't tall enough to reach the gas so we have to use our old mop to push it for her. It makes for dangerous driving when an almost two year old is in charge of steering!

Hey Hollywood!

Mary Kate loves to wear her sunglasses. She gets mad if she can't put them on by herself.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Happy Belated Fourth!

Happy Fourth of July! We had a great day. We watched the cave spring parade, swam and ate lunch, had visitors for dinner and then watched a drive in movie. It was a busy but fun day. On July 3, some cousins from Ohio came to visit so we had a cookout at Brian's Uncle Tom's house. We captured some cute pictures of Ben and Mary Kate eating some ice-cream.

Aggie the Wonder-dog

I don't typically talk much about Aggie, but she is a great dog and very special to me and my family. We got Aggie about three and a half years ago after we had gone through a rough time. Aggie didn't heal our hurt but she surely distracted us from it. She was an adorable puppy and she has turned into a great dog. One thing she does that is so unique is that she will curl up in the most obscure places. You never know when you might find her. You might be making the bed, and you go to grab the covers and something black comes flying out from the bed. This particular day I was getting ready to do some laundry, but hadn't made it downstairs yet. Aggie found herself a nice spot to curl up in to rest.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


This picture proves that you can be any age (although my Grandma's only 29) and still be a bathing-beauty.