Thursday, May 25, 2006

Long Time, No Blog

Sorry that I have been such a slacker and have not updated the blog recently. Things have been busy and we don't have internet access on our computer.

We have moved and we are living with my parents for a few more weeks. We will close on our new house on June 9th but we are still not sure when we can move in. Things have been going well here. I have actually been taking some classes for my Masters Degree in Housekeeping. I have taken Lettuce Washing 101 and Car Washing for Beginners. I was taking Principles of Rag Usage, but I dropped that class because it was too difficult! (Just kidding Mom and Dad.) Really, things have gone quite smoothly with all of our stuff shoved into my parents basement and garage. I will post pictures of that later!

In other news, Mary Kate is almost crawling. She is getting more and more mobile. My parents also have a pool in their backyard and she has loved going swimming. Here she is with her "Aunt Maddie."

Thursday, May 11, 2006


We have been packing up a storm lately. Almost everthing is boxed and ready. Even Mary Kate is in a box and ready to go. The sale was final last Friday. We are technically living in someone elses' house until Saturday. We will be staying with my parents for about a month. I will try to blog but I don't know how it will all work.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Shopping with a Baby

Gone are the days when I would zip into a store to shop. Here are a few observations about shopping with a baby.

1. It will take 5 plus minutes to get out of the car and get everything ready.

2. If you time it right, you can get behind a person entering the store so that they will feel compelled to hold the door open for you and all your baby gear keeping you from tripping over the stroller while trying to hold the door yourself.

3. You have exactly 30 seconds to shop before the first fuss. GO!

4. The store personnel purposefully makes the aisles too small for you to fit through with a stroller. They watch at a distance and laugh at your poor driving skills.

5. The store personel also purposefully make displays too short for you to see when you are pushing the car seat atop the shopping cart. Hazard!

6. If you attempt to bring in many toys to keep baby occupied, be prepared to pick them up 200 plus times.

7. It is possible to push a stroller, carry a bag, purse, and baby all the while tallking on your cell phone.

8. If you think it will be smart to put your purse in the bottom of the stoller to condense all of the gear you are carrying, rest assured that you cell phone will ring. You will find it as soon as it goes to voice mail.

9. It will take you longer than 5 minutes to get back into the car. Remember- you now have shopping bags too.

10. Babies do not like shopping! :)

Just a quick venting. I know many of you can relate to several of these.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bathing Beauty

Mary Kate went swimming for the first time on Monday. Well, it was actually like taking a bath in a giant,luke-warm tub with your bathing suit on. She wasn't sure about it at first but she ended up splashing and loving it! Here she is before we left.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Contract Take Two!

Yea! We have a contract on our house. We are so excited! A very nice couple put a contract on it on Saturday. They made an offer last Wednesday but everything wasn't signed, sealed, and delivered until Saturday. We were about to pull our hair out until it was finalized. At one point on Saturday Brian said, "Jenny, why don't you go for a run. You are driving me crazy!" I guess I had so much anxiety because of what happened last time. We are set to close either May 5th or the following Monday. We have to be out on Mother's Day. We don't close on our other house until June 15th so we will be stuffing all of our stuff into my parents house and staying with them for about a month. Thanks to all of the family and friends who have prayed for 380 days for our house to sell. Rome, here we come!