Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Winter Attire

Sorry to you folks who check this often. I guess I am in a "blogging slump". I will try harder to keep you updated.

Old man winter has arrived and with him comes some fuzzy, warm, and cozy clothes. Mary Kate loves putting on coats, hats, scarfs, gloves, mittens, etc. And by loves I mean screams and cries loudly when you try to take any part of it off- even if it is a toasty 80 degrees inside. For some reason she will let me take off her coat at home but not when we leave to go out somewhere. Even today she cried when she took her nap because I took off her sweater so she wouldn't sweat while she napped. Crazy Kid!

This hat/scarf ensemble was knitted by my friend Brianna for MK's birthday. She wouldn't put it on in September and she won't take it off in November!

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Mormons and the Good News

I know that Becky already posted a picture of this, but I could not let my picture go without blogging. I mean it really is striking how much they resemble mormons in this picture.

Now for the good news. For those of you who read this and don't know we are having a girl in March! We are very excited and can't wait for her to get here. Mary Kate on the other hand might have a few things to say about having a little sister. When we ask her what is in mommy's tummy she says, " a belly button." She did let her guard down one day and decided to share her sippy cup of milk with my tummy. All kids have to adjust sooner or later. I will get Brian to take a belly shot of me and I will post it later.