Thursday, February 23, 2006

Plums Anyone?

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

quiz kids

Okay, just to be cool, we plugged all of our names on Quiz Galaxy, following the lead of Jennifer and Becky. Here goes:

Brian: "One who is constantly high." No doubt - high on life, and gas fumes from the commute. Thank God for NPR.

Jenny: "A master blogger." I say the same thing to her every day. This site is obviously prophetic.

Mary Kate: "A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever." BOO! We're so proud...our little girl will change the course of...okay nevermind.

Aggie: "Fuzzy to the touch." Bingo. Perhaps related to Jennifer's cat.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

It's Raining, it's Pouring!

Brian and I had a date night last Saturday. We went out to eat and to Target. While we were in Target, we just had to look at the baby stuff. We stumbled upon the cutest pair of baby rainboots that I have ever seen. I asked Brian if he could resist the urge to buy them and he said, "It will be raining in the morning and we don't want her feet to get wet." My husband- always looking out for the needs of his daughter. :)

Here are the boots!

This is MK's face when she saw them.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Girly- Girl

Mary Kate is a girly-girl as far as we can tell. She got some rice cereal on her hands the other day and didn't like it at all. She likes to dress girly (or I dress her girly) and she likes to wear bows in her hair, even though her hair is not quite thick enough to hold it for more than three seconds. Here she is with one of the bows that Nana gave her.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Random Pictures

A shot before church with Grammy and Grandaddy.

The Klempners and the Walkers came for a visit. We enjoyed our time with them.

High Chair Pictures

Thanks to Nana and Pops

Nana and Pops gave Mary Kate a high chair. She is now experimenting with rice cereal and needs a place to sit and eat it. Brian put it together on Saturday and I was enthralled with it. It plays music, and it has toys, and you can put the tray in the dishwasher! It also has three reclining positions and eight heighth positions! Brian asked me if I wanted to sit in it. :)Picture to follow. The Blogger is having difficulties.

Thanks to Grammy and Grandaddy

Mary Kate has a Megasaucer given to her by my Mom and Dad. She wasn't sure what to do with it at first, but she is a pro at playing with it now. She really likes the fact that she can see all around her. A new perspective!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I am currently reading Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger by Ron Sider, which Christianity Today considers one of the top 10 religious books of the twentieth century. As I told Jenny a few nights ago, it is already one of the most influential books I have ever read, and I highly recommend it to anyone. One of the things this book has encouraged me to do is set up a link to The Hunger Site on this blog. On that site, you can click a link, and the sponsors of the link will donate funds to reputable organizations that fight hunger and poverty around the world. It's free, and there is no requirement to enter any information about yourself. Just click.

I encourage anyone who visits our blog to go to this site and click. I ask anyone who regularly visits our blog to visit the site and click before you read our updates. You can do so once a day for free.

I also linked to World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization. Anyone who is interested in heeding Jesus's call to care for the poor and least of these among us will have a ball surfing around their site.

love and peace,