Thursday, August 31, 2006

We are Off!

Well friends, we are off to the beach for a few days. I will do my best to take plenty of pictures of MK at the beach. We almost didn't get to go because of Hurricane or Tropical Storm Ernesto, but we prayed faithfully and Ernesto took a turn. It stinks for people in the Carolinas but it's great for us. T.T.F.N!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Random Pictures

Mary Kate's new favorite word- ball.

MK laughing when I tell her not to eat the leaf.

Grammy and Granddaddy came for a visit last weekend.

Our little dishwasher.



. . .changed my life?
I know it sounds like a sunday school answer, but really the Bible.

. . .I've read more than once?
Sheep in a Jeep.

. . .I would want with me on a deserted island?
Island Rescue for Dummies!

. . .made me laugh?
Walter the Farting Dog

. . .made me cry?
You Are Special by Max Lucado.

. . .I wish had been written?
A book that encourages young girls not to give their heart away too young.

. . .I wish had never been written?
The Satanic Bible

. . .I am currently reading?
Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp

. . .I've been meaning to read?
For Women Only by Shanti Feldman. Best book on marriage ever!!!! I need to read it again, and again, and again....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

First Ever Ponytail

Crab Legs

I have had some bad experiences with seafood lately. I have stayed away from it even though I really like it because of the end result. Well on Saturday, Kroger had crab legs on sale. We bought a box and invited Becky, Patrick, and Ben to eat with us. We were so glad they came because we could not have eaten all of them on our own. I decided I was going to bite the bullet and just eat them and I did not get sick this time. Yeah!

Mary Kate was clapping in this picture because she was so excited to see Patrick and Ben.

Uh-Oh Spaghettios

Mary Kate had Spaghettios for the first time on Saturday. She is wearing more than she ate.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

It's Raining, It's Pouring!

We went for a walk by the river because it was actually cooler than 100 degrees on Friday night. It started to rain on us and Mary Kate just loved it. She squealed and giggled the whole time. We all were soaked. I tried to get MK and Aggie and Brian looking at the camera, but to no avail. Brian, however, got us to do it on the first try!

Blogger has been a pain for two days and won't let me post pictures! I will as soon as I can.

Friday, August 04, 2006

My Big Uh-Oh!

The other night we went walking near the river. Since we are going through a heat-wave we all got nice and sweaty. I decided to take a shower before I went to bed. Since I never take showers at night, I decided to do something different with my hair besides blow drying it. My friend was in a wedding and she had this great wavy hair-do. She told me how she did it, so I decided to try it. You just bun several areas of your hair while it is wet and sleep on it. The next morning you have beautiful long, wavy hair that looks fantastic. Well, lets just say that I did not get the look that my friend had. I did exactly what she told me to do, but I did not get the same effect. Brace yourself! This is scary.

For those of you who just check the blog to see Mary Kate, here you go:

Yes, she is pulling up on everything. :)