Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Aggie Joins the Cause

It seems these days that Jenny and I do something every night to get ready for Mary Kate's arrival. Whether small or large, there is always some item to check off of some invisible list. I guess Aggie notices this, because recently she walked up and asked us if she could get her hair cut short, so we wouldn't need to worry about her grooming when the baby comes. Since she had begun to resemble a little hippie dog, we said OK:

As you can see, I took these pictures with a bright flash as she was in her dark, warm, cozy crate TRYING to go to sleep, while at the same time resisting her primal urge to spring forth, decimate my camera, and maul my face. Thankfully, she is much to sweet to do any of that, and just settled for pretending to be asleep:

22 days until the due date and counting.....

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