Thursday, September 08, 2005

Baby Progress

36 weeks today! How time's the 36 week shot:

In other news, we are approaching shower season, where we will most certainly add to our ever-expanding collection of baby gear. Most of it came from my sister, who hooked us UP with some of her old stuff. The stroller and car seat are great, along with the baby-sling-hands-free-carry-your-kid-around-on-your-hip thingy. As you can see, we've already tested it, and it works like a charm:

And, the nursery is a changing table away from being complete. Oh yeah, it needs a baby too, but she will show up soon enough. Mom, here's the rocker you gave us - Jenny & I stripped & sanded it, and then painted it a sage color. It's perfect for the room!

We have a shower this weekend, next weekend, and the week after in my law office. It's cool to relive those feelings we experienced going into wedding showers, but in a different, perhaps more mature way. I mainly look forward to Jenny getting to see so many women who all care about her, have had and continue to have some significant positive impact on her life, and wish her well with the baby. Speaking of those women, we have two coming to stay at our house this weekend, both of whom are bringing small babies. Trial run, having babies in the house? We'll see...

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