Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone! We had a wonderful Easter day. We went to church this morning and then Brian came home with Mary Kate and I taught Sunday School. Brian successfully put Mary Kate down for a nap. Bravo! After church we went over to my parents house for an Easter Feast! We had wonderful food including Aunt Chris' squash dressing and Jennifer's Asian salad. Both were a hit! Here are some pictures of Mary Kate.

Mary Kate's Easter was bigger than Christmas. She got clothes and diapers from Nana and Pops. She got clothes and toys from Grammy and Granddaddy and she just got a book from Brian and I. We wanted to start an Easter tradition but everything we thought of we will do when she is older.

I found myself having a hard time grasping what Christ did for us on the cross and how He rose again. I have heard the story all my life and sometimes it is easy to just take it for granted. Today, I really tried to think of the Resurrection like it was the first time I heard the story. It refreshed me!

1 comment:

Brian Bojo said...

Thanks, Katie. Your son is adorable as well. Maybe he would like to have a little sister? The girl clothes are fun. I spend all of my clothing money on her. I never thought I would do that!