Friday, November 03, 2006

Well, yesterday I was tagged by Becky to do this thing. You have to take a picture of yourself and then write about the person that tagged you. Well, I don't know Becky extremely well, but the times that we have hung out I have really enjoyed it. Everytime I am around her and the boys, something really funny happens. For instance, one night we went over to the Motes house for dinner. As soon as we got there, Patrick thew something into the ceiling fan (which was going at a high speed). It sounded like the fan exploded! Becky got onto Patrick and told him to go outside to release his energy but she was laughing the whole time. I think it takes a very down-to-earth person to have such a cute and active boy like Patrick and be able to handle it with stride! Hope you are feeling better, Becky.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Thank you for your kind words, Jenny. Sometimes I don't know how I manage him! Case in point: read my latest post.