Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Hospital Visit

We have had quite a week! Mary Kate was put into the hospital on Tuesday afternoon for a severe allerigic reaction to an antibiotic that she was taking for an ear infection. It was not fun at all. She looked horrible. I took her to the doctor on Monday for it and he gave her a shot of steroids. He said that it would take care of it along with some Benadryl. Well, lo and behold, the next day she was worse! Her eyes were swollen and puffy and her face was swollen. When I took her to the doctor people were gasping at her and saying things like, "Bless her heart." Well, we all know what that means! She is doing much better now and looks like her normal self again. It was quite a scare!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Sweet Picture

Mk and her Grandaddy!

Is It Christmas Yet?

This is Mary Kate asking her Daddy "Is it Christmas yet?"

Happy Anniversary!

Sorry for the lack of posting. Brian and I went out of town last week to celebrate our fifth year anniversary! Yeah! We left Mary Kate with my parents and went to the beach for a few days. We had a blast and Mary Kate had a blast too. We didn't have anyone to take our picture so this is the best we could do. :)

The sun was doing some amazing things behind us. But you can't see it. ;(

Friday, November 03, 2006

Well, yesterday I was tagged by Becky to do this thing. You have to take a picture of yourself and then write about the person that tagged you. Well, I don't know Becky extremely well, but the times that we have hung out I have really enjoyed it. Everytime I am around her and the boys, something really funny happens. For instance, one night we went over to the Motes house for dinner. As soon as we got there, Patrick thew something into the ceiling fan (which was going at a high speed). It sounded like the fan exploded! Becky got onto Patrick and told him to go outside to release his energy but she was laughing the whole time. I think it takes a very down-to-earth person to have such a cute and active boy like Patrick and be able to handle it with stride! Hope you are feeling better, Becky.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Coffee Mug

Brian and I both have issues with misplacing things sometimes - I guess everyone does. A few weeks ago I saw him with a new coffee mug and I asked him where he got it. He said that he didn't know what happened to all of his coffee mugs that he used to have and that several of them were missing tops. Well, today I am walking by the mailbox and I spy a foreign object atop my mailbox. Here folks is his coffee mug. I am sure that he got the mail and set it down on top of it. I thought it was so funny that I wanted to share. Honey, I am so glad that we have each other's back when it comes to finding the things we each lose. :) Love ya!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Pictures

Rebeckah was sweet to Trick-or-Treat with Mary Kate! Brian's cousin Caleb made fun of me for making this loud noise with my mouth to get Mary Kate's attention for the picture. All I got to say is that it worked!

The Fam.

I had to be a one-woman-circus to get her to smile for this picture!

The cheerleader!