Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Technical Difficulties

(brian writing) our home computer either died recently or is sleeping pretty soundly. We should have an IT guy out sometime soon to fix it - computer maintenance is such an arcane topic and it blows my mind how much we depend on them. Hopefully we won't lose too much data....gladly Jenny is very disciplined about backing up all of our pictures of MK and other important stuff. later...


schafty said...

Congrats on the blog. Similar to myself I have created a BLOG for my family, but mainly for the pregnancy and the days of our newborn (well almost 5 months now). It's great to see others have done similar things. It's a great tool for it. And hopefully we can keep it going so our children can read it. Check out my site at http://schafty.blogspot.com/ I was posting daily, but lately I have got lazy and not been posting. Maybe it'll pick up again.

All the best!

David Schaefer

Mrs. Burns said...

Oooh! Sorry to hear about the computer problems! I have some backing up to do, thanks for the reminder!

By the way, we have our beach pictures up on our blog as well if you're interested! Yours are great and little MK is such a beauty!

Hopefully we can see ya'll at Homecoming (weekend of Oct 6).


Jon Mitchell said...

Its time to upgrade to a Mac. The stability is awesome, and the prepackaged software is great for any mother who is digitally scrapbooking. Anyways, kudos to Jenny for staying backed up. Most people don't take the time.