Monday, March 06, 2006


Well, our house has been for sale for almost a year. Some of you might not believe that it has almost been a year, but I assure you- it has. I have a few bones to pick with prospective buyers. Here they are:
1. We do not have, never have had, and never will have a bonus room. If your heart is set on one- don't waste our time.

2. No, we do not have a basement. If you are wanting a house with a basement, please do not make me frantically clean my house and shove my daughter and dog in the car, only to say that you wanted a basement.

3. Yes, we are the first house in the neighborhood on the right. The traffic doesn't bother us. We are inside most of the time.

4. Yes, we do back up to a road. However, when faced with a choice of seeing a neighbor out back in his boxers smoking a cigarette and a nice iron fence with shrubbery and a road, we will choose the road.

5. No, the bulldog stone on top of the hill is not marking a grave of a bulldog. But, if that will make you buy the house, then sure it is. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your house will sell, I am confident in that. So confident I will predict a sale by the end of the summer!