Monday, October 31, 2005

MK's First Houseguests

This weekend, Jenny and I had some friends from college visit - Richard & Leslie Mitchell, along with their 5-month old, Caleb. When we told MK they were coming, she was speechless:

Here is Leslie holding MK, and Richard with Caleb:

Caleb turned out to be a big fan of the camera:

And already, I need to keep an eye on him when he gets around my daughter (this picture doesn't show me in the background cleaning my shotgun):

MK took to Richard very well:

And Leslie:

Meanwhile, Aggie made a new friend in Caleb. Her vision for her life is to get everyone on earth to love her, and she is very effective at accomplishing this, one person at a time:

When the Mitchell's headed for the Ham on Sunday afternoon, MK's reaction was one of disappointment that they left, one of seeming exhaustion.

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