Thursday, October 06, 2005

Fashion Show

Yesterday, Jenny thought it would be fun to try some of her baby clothes on Mary Kate to see how she would look. Results:

As you can tell, the baby was enthralled. Actually, she kind of has that "Look, I know I'm cute, even if I just lay here" face on. This is actually the baby version of twiddling thumbs:

In other news, Aggie has done exceptionally well around the baby. Occassionally she will steal a lick on the face when our backs are turned, but most of the time she just licks Mary Kate's toes and moves on (I told her this was OK). Also, whenever the baby cries, Aggie will slowly walk up and look at her with a concerned face, as if just checking on her. A few nights ago while the baby slept, Aggie jumped into Jenny's lap for some lovin' (like old times). Jenny commented on how good she had done around the baby, how she listens to us, how she doesn't play with the baby's things, blah blah blah. Aggie looked incredulously at me and said "And you're surprised by this?? I'm deeply hurt..."

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