Saturday, April 12, 2008

Throwback Post:Balloons and Bows

Balloons and bows? If you think that sounds like more girl stuff, you would be right. When we arrived home from the hospital with our brand new baby girl on March 12th, here is what our mailbox looked like:

The bow is courtesy of Cabell Sweeney, our most talented friend. Ever been to Cracker Barrel or someplace and seen the college-themed pottery? That's her. She also painted an awesome picture for Claire's nursery as a shower we can be snobby and say that we have original artwork in our house. I guess we should say that while holding a glass of shiraz or something.

The balloons are courtesy of David, Julie, Ellen, Meredith, and Christina Tomlin, our across-the-street neighbors. Christina and MK were born six weeks apart, and have become fast friends:

And, in a flash of diplomatic genius, I managed to talk the entire Tomlin family into standing next to each other and smiling:

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