Well, I haven't been doing a whole lot of anything these days except complain about the overwhelming heat. It is way too hot to be outside doing anything but sitting in a pool.
Mary Kate has invented this new game called "Daddy Dit You" which is "Daddy Get You." The way it is played is this: Mary Kate announces "Daddy Dit You" and takes off running in any crazy direction laughing and squealing as loudly as possible. Brian then takes his cue and drops whatever else he is doing and begins to chase her. I inevitably end up getting smooshed, squashed, or generally clobbered as she scrambles to get away from Daddy and seeks protection from me. This game can go on for hours and when Brian collapses from sheer exhaustion, Mary Kate takes this as "the end of the world as we know it" and cries until Brian feels compassion and begins to "dit you" again. I'm telling you- it is a fun game.
P.S. Sorry, no pictures of the game yet.